EWS is aimed at ballistic expertise performing – onscreen identification – as well as sending a request to SAS for automatic correlation procedure start.

EWS provides with hit-list of objects previously saved in the DB and similar to the object under examination.

EWS provides with all possibilities to perform very effective onscreen ballistics expertise. Among them are:

  • to view and compare all specimens saved in the DB: scale them, rotate, shift, overlap, change light direction, measure distance, angle and depth drop, etc.;
  • to assign identified objects as linked and save this information into the DB;
  • to export and import specimens into files for exchanging them with other same systems;
  • to make different pre-filtration for generating of specimens list based on wild cards information: ammunition type, firearm system, expert name, criminal case, comments, material, etc.;
  • to generate various types of reports based on saved information;
  • to print reports on various printer systems.


All possibilities stated for EWS are also enable for DAS.